Study: Automobile Dependency Reduces Life Satisfaction
Automobile dependency has negative implications for wellbeing. This academic study finds that relying on a car for more than 50 percent of out-of-home travel is associated with significant reductions in life satisfaction.
When States Hinder Local Efforts to Cut Down on Cars
Reducing car dependency is a vital climate goal. Many U.S. cities want to shift trips to other modes, but they're often held back by state governments.
Study: Half of Global Commutes Made by Car; Rates Vary Widely
The United States is conspicuously consistent in its high rates of car usage, a new analysis finds.
The Harms of a Car-Centric World
While most of the world’s population doesn’t drive, cars have an outsized negative impact on public health, the environment, and land use.
Hybrids Regain in Popularity Amid EV Cost and and Charging Concerns
After their sales dropped thanks to the introduction of all-electric vehicles, hybrid gas-electric cars are seeing a renaissance among consumers.
When it Comes to Transportation, It’s All About Options
Debunking the notion of the personal automobile as liberator.
Carzilla: How Huge SUVs and Trucks Hurt Pedestrians and Walkable Communities
Ever wonder where the supersizing of cars is going to end? Kaid Benfield dives deep into the subject and suggests five actions we can take to get to a safer spot in the road.
How Vehicle Ownership Impacts Roadway Design
New research assesses the potential implications of reduced car ownership on the design of roads and communities.
Zero to Deadly: How More Powerful Cars Endanger Lives
With cars accelerating more quickly, drivers have less time to react and can pose more danger to pedestrians.
What Is Automobile Dependency?
Automobile dependency is a term used to describe households who must rely on private vehicles for everyday transportation, often due to a lack of safe pedestrian infrastructure, ineffective or absent public transit options, and sprawl.
What the Microchip Shortage Reveals About Housing
The microchip shortage facing the automotive industry illustrates the significant impact that supply has on the cost of durable goods.
Progressive Political Support Sought for Parking Reforms
Despite mounting evidence that parking requirements subsidize cars, raise the cost of housing, and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, few policymakers have strongly advocated to end them.
Tesla's 'Aggressive' Autonomous Mode Facilitates Lawbreaking
Some Tesla autonomous modes direct the vehicle to engage in dangerous and illegal behaviors, prompting calls for increased regulation of autonomous vehicle tech.
Hybrid Car Sales Fail to Meet Predictions
Over a decade ago, automakers predicted that every new car would be a hybrid by 2020. Why were they so off the mark?
Vote for 'America's Most Toxic Car Commercial'
From the same website that brought us the "Parking Crater Award" and the "Sorriest Bus Stops in America."
St. Paul Does Away With Minimum Parking Requirements
The city is one of the first in the nation to completely eliminate parking mandates citywide.
It's Time For A National VMT Fee Policy
Op-ed: Charging road users by how much they drive, not how much gas they buy, is the only sustainable way forward for infrastructure funding.
Sunday Fun: The Bicycle Powered Car
Mounting a tandem bike to the front of a Honda to generate the power to operate the car has never looked so fun.
The Parking Disaster
Minimum parking requirements, argues Michael Manville, raise the cost of construction and eat up valuable urban real estate.
Zero Traffic Deaths Isn't as Far Fetched as It Sounds
Even supporters of Vision Zero—a goal to eliminate traffic fatalities from roadways adopted by cities and states all over the United States—doubt that such lofty ambitions are possible. But there are plenty of reasons to believe in the cause.
Urban Design for Planners 1: Software Tools
This six-course series explores essential urban design concepts using open source software and equips planners with the tools they need to participate fully in the urban design process.
Planning for Universal Design
Learn the tools for implementing Universal Design in planning regulations.
Placer County
Skagit Transit
Berkeley County
Chaddick Institute at DePaul University
HUDs Office of Policy Development and Research
HUDs Office of Policy Development and Research
NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
City of Cambridge, Maryland