Brain Drain

The 1960s

Mourning the Loss of the Dairy Queen in Rural Texas

As populations shrink, small towns are losing an important place to get together,,

June 27, 2018 - Houston Chronicle


'Rust Belt Chic' Not Enough to Attract Millennials in Some Cities

The city of Toledo, Ohio provides a case study in how the best intentions of attracting degree-holding Millennials can come up short.

August 22, 2016 - Toledo Blade

Forget Brain Drain—Rural Minnesota Is Going Strong

Rural areas are troubled by narratives of brain drain and decline, but for most rural areas, the numbers simply don't back up those concerns.

March 23, 2016 - Inforum

Vermont College

The 'Two-Body Problem' Challenges Small Town Workforces

Academia's "two-body problem" may be affecting other industries as women pursue more specialized careers and marry similarly educated men. Two-career couples are likely to gravitate toward larger metro areas with job opportunities for both partners.

November 10, 2015 - StatChat: the blog of the UVA Demographics Research Group

Graduation Ceremony

Is 'Brain Drain' a Legitimate Problem?

According to analysts like Aaron Renn, the exodus of educated Millennials from what some perceive to be less-glamorous cities shouldn't signal impending doom. For one thing, brain drain might not be happening at all.

September 1, 2015 - Next City

Rural Community

Quality of Life Driving 'Brain Gain' in Rural Communities

Many rural counties are experiencing “brain gains” as newcomers age 30-49 move in. This migration is keeping small towns alive and contributing to a new narrative about rural places.

September 27, 2014 - CommunityMatters

New Jersey Addressing Nation-Leading 'College Flight'

A Philadelphia Inquirer blog post details what it calls a "brain drain" problem in the state of New Jersey—where more residents go out of state for college than in any other state.

July 24, 2014 - Philadelphia Inquirer

Cleveland, Ohio

'Brain Drain' Surprise: Cleveland vs. Chicago

Comparing the demographic changes of Cleveland and Chicago, the results might surprise you: “Cleveland (Cuyahoga County) is experiencing brain gain. Chicago (Cook County) has brain drain.”

March 15, 2014 - Pacific Standard

Debunking London vs. England

The Centre for Cities has released a report called the Cities Outlook 2014, which examines the question of whether London’s success might come at the expense of the rest of the U.K.’s cities.

January 28, 2014 - The Guardian

Luring Millennials through Great Neighborhoods

Millennials have been clustering in urban hotspots, and millions of others will be settling down over the next decade. William Fulton advises less attractive cities and suburbs on how to avoid a brain drain.

November 6, 2012 - Governing

Cleveland Deals With "James Drain"

The Urbanophile explains that although Lebron James was never going to turn around Cleveland alone, his departure is indicative of the city's reliance "on a never-ending cycle of “next big things” to reverse decline."

July 15, 2010 - New Geography

Brain Gain in Eastern Germany

After twenty years of reunification, the eastern part of Germany is finally beginning to lure educated workers back.

November 8, 2009 - The New York Times

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This six-course series explores essential urban design concepts using open source software and equips planners with the tools they need to participate fully in the urban design process.

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