D.C. Area Professional Development Courses Offered in Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability– Last Chance to Register!

D.C. Area Professional Development Courses Offered in Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability– Last Chance to Register!

Planning Academy at Virginia Tech, VT National Capital Region campus in Alexandria, VA

Sharpen your skills and get up to speed on the most important planning trends through our dynamic professional development courses. The Planning Academy at Virginia Tech offers highly interactive instruction in our two-day courses for professionals in the planning, design and development fields. At the Planning Academy, you get personal attention from our nationally recognized instructors and the opportunity to network and share experiences with peers from across the country.

Courses are located in Old Town Alexandria, easily accessible to all parts of the National Capital Region.

The Planning Academy (through VT's School of Public and International Affairs) is a registered provider of AICP CM credits. All courses are eligible for 12 AICP CM credits.

Fall 2009 courses include:

November 12-13
Instructors: Dr. Terry Holzheimer, Director of Economic Development for Arlington County, VA and Alex Iams, Real Estate Development Group at Arlington Economic Development (AED)

Now more than ever, planners need to understand the revenue sources and funding mechanisms available to finance growth-related needs. However, a recent APA Task Force Report notes with alarm that many localities are not well-positioned to plan for growth. For example, most communities do not have a fiscal sustainability component of their comprehensive plan and most planners do not understand the elements and implications of fiscal impact studies. This course will give you the background and tools you need to address these issues and promote sustainable economic growth in your community.
Don't miss this chance to learn from practitioners from Arlington County, a nation leader in economically sustainable smart growth.

November 19-20
Instructors: Dr. Shelley Mastran, Kathryn McCarty and Joe Schilling, LL.D. and J.D. and two panels of distinguished local practitioners

This course will examine the latest model programs and policies from a variety of U.S. cities as they move towards their goal of eco-sustainability. It will also highlight innovative strategies for building coalitions, using social media and engaging residents in an honest dialogue about sustainability. Using a series of case studies and presentations from an all-star cast of leading practitioners, we will closely examine the legal and policy challenges of adopting and implementing green policies and discuss how policymakers and community groups can transfer these innovative ideas back home.

This course is eligible for 12 AICP CM credits, including 1.5 units of CM Law credit.

The Planning Academy can also offer individualized training in your office, designed to meet the specific needs of your organization.

For a complete course information and registration, see

Posted November 5, 2009

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