New GREEN URBANISM book: Get 20% off "The Post Carbon Reader" today!

New GREEN URBANISM book: Get 20% off "The Post Carbon Reader" today!

University of California Press

Get 20% off with DISCOUNT CODE 10M9071 at UC Press

In the 20th century, cheap and abundant energy brought previously unimaginable advances in health, wealth, and technology, and fed an explosion in population and consumption. But this growth came at an incredible cost. Climate change, peak oil, freshwater depletion, species extinction, and a host of economic and social problems now challenge us as never before.

The Post Carbon Reader takes a hard-nosed look at the interconnected threats of our global sustainability quandary--as well as the most promising responses. This unprecedented collection is a valuable resource for planners, architects, elected officials, and concerned citizens.

Many excerpts are now available for free download at, including:

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For a comprehensive, integrated overview of the relationship between the human species and its planetary home circa 2010, look no further. The Post Carbon Reader is an invaluable primer, resource, and textbook. This is what you need to know. Period.

-- Lester R. Brown, President of Earth Policy Institute and author of Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization

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The Post Carbon Reader: Managing the 21st Century's Sustainability Crises. Edited by Richard Heinberg and Daniel Lerch, with chapters by Bill McKibben, Richard Heinberg, Stephanie Mills, Deborah and Frank Popper, Michael Shuman, and over 30 others. Published by Watershed Media, Fall 2010. Distributed by University of California Press.

$21.95, 552 pages. ISBN 978-0970950062.

Posted November 15, 2010

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