Ohio State University Offers On-line Graduate Courses in Planning

Ohio State University Offers On-line Graduate Courses in Planning

Ohio State University

This certificate program offers working professionals an opportunity to expand their education from the convenience of your home or office.

Four courses will be offered between January and December 2006. Each ten-week course is taught at a graduate level by a faculty member at Ohio State University. Students can participate at their convenience each week from any computer with an Internet connection.

There are no scheduled class meetings. Participants view audio/video lectures, discuss issues, work on projects and consult with faculty. The courses include hand-on experience that includes case studies, team work, and in-depth projects. All courses are available for transfer to other universities toward a graduate degree.

The following courses are scheduled to begin in 2006:
•City Planning Administration: January - April
•Programming Environments for Urban Use: April - June
•Real Estate Finance for Planners: June - August
•Practicum in Facilities Planning and Management: September - December

Upon completion of all four courses, participants receive a Certificate in Facilities Planning and Management from the Ohio State University. Registration for January is open now to November 1.

Each course costs $1,100 or the certificate program may be paid up front for a discounted rate of $4,000. Group discounts may be available.

Related Link: Ohio State University On-line Graduate Planning Courses and Certificate Program

For more information contact:

Jennifer Evans-Cowley
Ohio State University
275 West Woodruff
OH 43210

Phone: 614-247-7479
Fax: 614-292-7106
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://knowlton.osu.edu/ped

Posted July 15, 2005

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