Registration Now Open for the 2014 New Partners for Smart Growth Conference in Denver, CO!

Registration Now Open for the 2014 New Partners for Smart Growth Conference in Denver, CO!

Local Government Commission

Conference registration is now open for the 13th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference, which will be held on February 13-15, 2014 in Denver, CO. Early-bird rates are available now through November 24th.

The multi-disciplinary program will include eighty sessions — plenaries, breakouts, and implementation workshops — and features cutting-edge policies, programs, and projects, as well as strategies and implementation tools that address the challenges of implementing smart growth development.

Conference sessions will focus on issues such as: financing smart growth and capacity-building; successful partnerships for sustainable communities; creating healthy economies; fostering entrepreneurial innovation and local job creation; community resiliency and energy independence; regional transportation systems and equitable TOD; improving water quality; crime prevention and smart growth; healthy food access and food systems planning; engaging youth in smart growth planning; emerging fiscal impact tools; promoting equitable development and environmental justice; providing affordable housing choices; and much, much more!

Accreditation — The LGC is pursuing continuing education accreditation for several sessions for AICP planners, architects, and landscape architects.

Tours of Model Projects — The program also includes fourteen exciting optional tours featuring smart growth development projects from around the region — by bus, light rail and by foot!

Exciting Half-day Conference Workshops Planned

Attend the dynamicEquitable Development: Smarter Growth through Environmental Justiceworkshop that will be held on Thursday morning, February 13th.  Equitable development, smart growth and environmental justice all aim for development that creates healthy and vibrant places. This interactive workshop will highlight innovative ideas and resources that communities are utilizing to create more synergy in planning, resulting in safer, healthier, and more equitable and prosperous communities. Pre-registration and a $25 fee are required.

Come a day early and attend theAdvancing Healthy, Equitable Food Systems: Building Capacity, Partnerships & Resourcespre-conference workshop, onWednesday afternoon, February 12th. This workshop will provide an interactive learning experience exploring local and regional food systems through the lens of smart growth. The program will emphasize building the capacity of local governments to engage in food system development, including processes and strategies leading to environmental and policy change at the local and regional level. Representatives from community-based organizations, planners, local elected officials, businesses and others will share how they are forging partnerships and identifying resources in efforts to increase access to healthy, affordable food for all while creating economic opportunities and promoting responsible land use. Pre-registration and a $35 registration fee are required.

Hotel Reservations — The deadline to receive the group room rate of $156 (single or double occupancy) at the Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center is January 10, 2014. Make your reservations by calling 1-888-421-1442 and indicate you are attending the New Partners Conference.

Follow us on Facebook — The New Partners for Smart Growth Conference is now on Facebook! Get the latest current event updates and start networking with others planning to attend!

Follow us on Twitter — The New Partners Conference is on Twitter! Follow us @NewPartnersConf

Visit for detailed information on the conference program, tours of model projects, special events, invited speakers, hotel and transportation information, and to REGISTER NOW!

Posted October 7, 2013

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