BOCEP helps you be more effective in sustainability, urban design, management, and more...

BOCEP helps you be more effective in sustainability, urban design, management, and more...

Rutgers University Professional Development Institute

Rutgers University's Bloustein Online Continuing Education Program offers a wide variety of courses to help you in your profession and your career. Our interactive courses can help you build practical skills while also deepening your knowledge, a combination that can help you be more creative, effective and influential. You get both the convenience of learning from anywhere you can get Internet access and the opportunity to share insights and build connections with planning, design and development professionals around the United States.

From March 3 to April 10, BOCEP is offering six Deep Learning courses:

*Affordable Housing Strategies – Effective and creative ways to get housing that works for disadvantaged populations and communities

*Economic Development Analysis – A primer on the key tools for building prosperity in neighborhoods through regions

*Introduction to New Urbanism-A primer on one of the most significant planning trends in the last 20 years

*Law and Sustainability Studio – Get hands on experience building a model environmental land use regulation

*Managing Green Politics-How to lead public officials and leaders in the green economy

*Professional's Writing Studio – A great class for those who want to be more convincing and persuasive

Every course is eligible for 14 AICP Certification Maintenance credits, as well as 20 hours toward a Bloustein Professional Certificate. Bloustein Professional Certificates, which have to be earned by completing at least 60 hours of course work, show colleagues and employers that you know.

BOCEP Deep Learning courses are $295. Up to 10 scholarships are available in each course for Planetizen readers. Use promotion code BGBBS to get $50 off the price of the course. (There is an optional $50 fee per course for those seeking a Professional Certificate.)

BOCEP Deep Learning courses are designed like graduate-level courses. There are readings every week, and the instructor generates thoughtful discussions online through discussion boards. You can participate at any time. The more engaged you are, the more you get out of the class. In some classes, learners work on real projects. There is at least one final exam to help you assess your knowledge.
Most learners are mid- and senior-level professionals and the vast majority said in their course evaluations that they learned a lot in their courses, and that what they learned will help them in their jobs and careers.

To learn more or to register, please go to: or contact Director Leonardo Vazquez at [email protected] or 732-932-3822, x711
BOCEP is produced by the Professional Development Institute of Rutgers University's Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy.

Posted February 6, 2010

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