Accepting Partners for Planetizen Jobs Network

Accepting Partners for Planetizen Jobs Network


The Jobs Network offers websites in the planning, urban development, design, architecture, environment, transportation and related fields a fully-featured, secure, and branded revenue-generating job board.

By participating in the program, you earn revenue by enabling visitors to your website to post jobs on your own website, and also by enabling jobs posted on other network sites to appear on your website. All the operational, technical and payment details are handled by the Planetizen editorial and technical team.

In addition to earning revenue for your website, you also benefit from added content, additional traffic, and helping to spread the word about job opportunities in the field.

A few of of the initial partners in the Planetizen Jobs Network include:
- Next American City
- California Planning & Development Report
- The Planning Report
- Toll Roads News

If your website generates 10,000 or more page views per month, and you are interested in joining the Planetizen Jobs Network public beta program, please contact: Tim Halbur, Managing Editor, [email protected]

Please provide the name and URL of your website, a brief description of your website, ad the approximate monthly traffic (in visitors per month or page views per month).

Posted December 18, 2009

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