NCI Charrette Trainings are available on both coasts this fall!

NCI Charrette Trainings are available on both coasts this fall!

National Charrette Institute

Register for NCI Charrette Certificate Trainings in Portland and Earn 27 AICP Credits!
You can take the NCI Charrette System™ Certificate Training plus the advanced NCI Charrette Management and Facilitation™ Certificate Training this October in Portland. This is the last chance this year to take the full-week of training, valued by so many. Come to the beautiful Northwest this fall. It is the best time to visit the coast or the mountains and one of the country's most sustainable, bikable cities.

  • NCI Charrette System™ Certificate Training, October 19-21
  • NCI Charrette Management and Facilitation™ Certificate Training, October 22-23
  • "Very helpful information. A full, rounded explanation of the charrette process. I will definitely refer folks to this course and will encourage them to stay for the whole week".
    -Kiley Lyons, Project Manager, Planning Division, URS

    This fall will be the first time NCI offers our certificate training in the Atlanta region.
    The NCI Charrette System™ Certificate Training will be taught in Atlanta in Partnership with the Atlanta Regional Commission and Southface Energy Institute.

  • NCI Charrette System™ Certificate Training, October 21-23
  • These trainings are accredited with the AIA for continuing education system (CES) units, with the AICP for certification maintenance (CM) credits, and the ASLA for LA CES professional development hours (PDH).

    For further training details please see the National Charrette Institute's website,

    Posted September 11, 2009

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