Register Today for the 2008 National Main Streets Conference in Philadelphia, Penn.
National Trust Main Street Center
Our Theme: Entrepreneurship and Diversity
These qualities add to the local flavor, create a true reflection of a community, contribute to an authentic identity and exciting business mix – all essential motivations that bring customers, tourists, new residents, and cool businesses to your district.
Main Street diversity has many dimensions: age, socioeconomic backgrounds, culture, business type, architecture, lifestyles, and ethnicities. Embracing diversity brings multiple perspectives and a wider range of talent to your organization and your community. The 2008 conference will focus on creating new opportunities and building stronger Main Street programs and districts through leveraging entrepreneurs and diversity.
People from small and rural towns, suburban communities, large and midsized cities, and urban neighborhood business districts can all benefit from ideas, solutions, issue discussion, and networking opportunities that only we offer.
Four full days of educational sessions and networking opportunities; Day-long Main Street Four-Point Approach™ training; Tours to learn from revitalization successes in our host city and surrounding Main Street Districts; Expo Hall filled with product and service providers specializing in commercial district revitalization; and Opportunities to network with colleagues who are experiencing similar challenges in their communities.
Related Link: Visit our conference web site for full details and up-to-the-minute information
For more information contact:
Luke VanBelleghem
National Trust Main Street Center
1785 Massachusetts Ave, NW
DC 20036
Phone: 202 588 6219
Fax: 202 588 6050
Email: [email protected]
Posted March 3, 2008
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