Multiparty Facilitation and Mediation Skills June 21-24, 2004
CDR Associates
Public officials, organizational leaders, facilitators, and mediators need excellent skills for designing and conducting productive meetings. This seminar will equip participants with a strategic framework for designing and conducting complex group dialogues and decision-making processes. The trainers will present specific techniques and tools, and participants will have opportunities to practice them. The seminar will prepare facilitators to perform effectively in settings with multiple stakeholders where conflict may be present. The program emphasizes the development of flexible processes and customizing these to meet the needs and culture of different groups.
Elements of the program:
- Assessing a group's needs and culture and designing customized processes
- Preparing for a meeting and designing an agenda
- Conducting an effective facilitation process
- Drawing on a range of meeting formats and problem solving techniques
- Applying communication skills to facilitate discussion
- Encouraging constructive participation from group members
- Managing challenging group dynamics and difficult individuals
- Building consensus and capturing agreements when consensus is achieved
Prerequisite: None
This course will present skills useful for implementing the processes covered in "Resolving Public Policy Disputes" and will build on skills presented in "The Mediation Process."
Related Link:
For more information contact:
Sherry Whitney
CDR Associates
100 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 12
CO 80302
Phone: 303/442-7367
Fax: 303/442-7442
Email: [email protected]
Posted January 29, 2004
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