RFP for Future Land Use Map Element for Gallatin County Growth Policy

Gallatin County, Montana
Monday July 25, 2022
Location: Bozeman, MT, MT

Gallatin County, Montana (County) is soliciting proposals for services to develop a Future Land Use Map (FLUM) element, which is a project identified as a short-term action item in the Gallatin County Growth Policy (Growth Policy) Implementation Table and is required by Montana state law. Over a 12-month period with extensive community outreach, the firm will develop a Countywide Future Land Use Map for adoption by the County Commission, which will have specific land use designations that are reflective of the goals and policies in the Growth Policy. Gallatin County seeks an experienced consultant, who understands the complexity of county governance, particularly in the West, as well as both rural and urban needs.

The full text of the RFP is available here.

Posted June 24, 2022

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