Rail~Volution Call for Proposals: Due March 31, 2010
Rail~Volution is a conference for passionate practitioners - people from all perspectives who believe in the role of land use and transit as equal partners in the quest for greater livability and greater communities. The success of the conference depends on the quality and diversity of presentations. Rail~Volution solicits your story-sharing expertise, experience, success and challenges.
Never before has Rail~Volution's mission of creating building communities with transit aligned so perfectly with the federal agenda. Thanks to President Obama's commitment to creating sustainable communities, we truly have the opportunity to work in partnership with policy makers at all levels to grow more livable places -- regardless of their size, shape, demographics, locations, or economies. These ground-breaking partnerships are setting the stage for the next decade at all levels, with commitments to transit resources, renewable energy, climate change, and sustainable housing and communities.
Join us by sharing your stories and lessons learned, your information on new policies and legislation, your wisdom gained through innovative tools and current best practices. Help conference participants understand the most important elements of great places, steps they can take to create greater livability in their own communities, and the essential public and private activities that contribute to successful change.
Help us enliven the discussion! The deadline is approaching fast. Send us your ideas by March 31!
For more information contact:
Mary Simon
1120 SW 5th Avenue Suite 800
Oregon 97204
Phone: 503-823-6870
Email: [email protected]
Posted March 22, 2010
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