Nominate your Form-Based Code for a community planning honor: the Driehaus Form-Based Codes Award
Form-Based Codes Institute
Form-based codes are the powerful tools required to achieve a community vision based on time-tested forms of urbanism. They shape the public realm, implementing by law a pedestrian-scale urbanism. Since 2007, the Driehaus Form-Based Codes Award has recognized outstanding codes that create superior urban environments. To see past award winners, go to
Submissions are judged according to how they have or will foster built results consistent with a master plan and by how they advance the art of Form-Based Code writing. Codes must have been adopted into law by a unit of local government. Submission of codes that show built results and offer "lessons learned" are especially encouraged. Form-based codes will have these characteristics:
• Regulatory (not merely advisory)
• A focus on urban form (rather than land use)
• City-wide or for specific locations at the neighborhood, town, city or regional scale
• Produce walkable, identifiable neighborhoods that provide for daily needs
A distinguished jury of professional urbanists will review all submitted codes. The jury includes:
Daniel Parolek, AIA (Jury Chair), Principal, Opticos Design, Berkeley, CA, and author of "Form-Based Codes: A Guide for Planners, Urban Designers, Municipalities, and Developers."
Ben Bolgar, Senior Design Director at the Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment in the UK.
Kaizer Rangwala, AICP, Assistant Community Development Director, Ventura, CA, planner of six FBC districts in Ventura and others in cities nationwide.
Bill Spikowski, AICP, Principal, Spikowski Planning Associates, Fort Myers, FL, form-based code expert, frequent speaker and consultant to communities nationwide.
To obtain detailed instructions and Entry Form, and to see previous winners, go to the FBCI website -
Enclose the Entry Form with your completed submission materials and mail to:
Form-Based Codes Institute
Attn: Carol Wyant, FBCI Executive Director
203 N. Wabash Avenue, Suite 1800
Chicago, IL 60601
Submissions must be received by FBCI no later 4:00 p.m. Central Time on Monday, March 1st, 2010. Questions may be submitted to Carol Wyant, FBCI Executive Director at 312.498.7166 or [email protected]
Awards will be announced May 19-22 during the CNU 18 meeting in Atlanta.
Sponsored by the Form-Based Codes Institute with the Generous Support of the Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust
Posted January 14, 2010
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