CEQA and Climate Change workshops: Offered in Southern CA Aug.7, Aug. 28, Sept. 11th

CEQA and Climate Change workshops: Offered in Southern CA Aug.7, Aug. 28, Sept. 11th

Local Government Commission

Under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and their permitting and planning authority, local agencies have a vital role to play in California's fight against global warming.

Through their decisions, they are collectively moving California away from "business as usual" and toward a low-carbon future. These day-long workshops, which have been offered in locations across the state, address many of the legal and practical questions that cities and counties face as they respond to climate change issues:

? How do we analyze the CO2 impacts of future development?
? What mitigation strategies should we employ?
? How do we undertake the required analysis efficiently and on a limited budget?

Speakers will include top staff from Attorney General Jerry Brown's office, leaders from the California Air Resources Board and modeling experts.

The workshop will also highlight some of the best and most innovative steps that local governments throughout the state are taking, providing both inspiration and specific examples for the many agencies now taking up the challenge. In total the first five workshops attracted over 900 participants.

August 7 • Santa Barbara
August 28 • Riverside
September 11 • Encinitas

The Local Government Commission (LGC) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, membership organization that provides inspiration, technical assistance, and networking to local elected officials and other dedicated community leaders who are working to create healthy, walkable, and resource-efficient communities.

More information and registration can be found at: http://www2.lgc.org/events/

Posted July 22, 2008

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