U.S. EPA Solicits Applications for Smart Growth Implementation Assistance: Deadline January 6, 2006
The Development, Community and Environment Division (DCED) in U.S. EPA's Office of Policy Economics and Innovation is seeking applications from communities that want to develop in ways that meet environmental and other community goals. EPA will provide technical assistance to successful applicants as described below.
EPA is soliciting applications from communities that want assistance with implementing smart growth either through policy analysis (e.g., reviewing state and local codes, school siting guidelines, transportation policies, etc.) or public participatory processes (e.g., visioning, alternatives analysis, build-out analysis, etc.). Selected communities will receive assistance in the form of a multi-day visit from a team of experts organized by EPA and other national partners to work with local leaders. EPA will provide this assistance through an Agency contract vehicle, not a grant. Team members will be nationally known experts in disciplines to be determined by the community's unique needs. After the visit, the team will work with the community to deliver a final report. Although the assistance is free to the community, priority will be given to those places that can demonstrate commitments of local staff time, support from local businesses, and other local resources.
Eligible entities are tribal, local, regional, and state governments and nonprofit organizations that have a demonstrated partnership with a governmental entity.
For more information, contact: Ilana Preuss at [email protected] or at 202-566-2853 or Mary Kay Bailey at [email protected] or at 202-566-2859.
Related Link: Smart Growth Technical Assistance Opportunities
For more information contact:
Ilana Preuss
1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW (MC 1807T)
DC 20460
Phone: 202-566-2853
Fax: 202-566-2868
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/
Posted November 21, 2005
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