City of San Pablo Industrial Condominium Development

City of San Pablo Industrial Condominium Development

City of San Pablo

The San Pablo Redevelopment Agency (Agency) is beginning a revitalization of the heavy commercial area of the City and seeks a landmark industrial condominium project for an approximately 4 acre site on Rumrill Boulevard, between Chesley Avenue and Market Street. The Agency invites proposals from qualified persons/firms/organizations/developers who are interested in developing this Agency owned site.

The former BNSF site is located on the west side of the City on Rumrill Boulevard, between Chesley Avenue and Market Street. The Site is adjacent to a railroad line and there is a mix of industrial, commercial, and some residential uses in the vicinity. Though basically level, potential developers are encouraged to visit the site so any grade changes can be incorporated early into their planning for the site. The site is part of a larger planning area, and a master plan for the full block containing the site is required of this RFP.

A phase I and II environmental assessment has been conducted and revealed some contaminants. The Agency's preliminary remediation review indicates that the remediation measure will be a deed restriction limiting the uses on the site to heavy commercial or industrial, without requiring clean up. Construction will be done in accordance with the work plan to be approved by the Department of Toxic Substance Control.
To be eligible for consideration, three sets of a complete RFP submission packet must be delivered to the Agency offices by 5:00 pm, on December 15, 2005.

Related Link: City of San Pablo Current Projects

For more information contact:

Kelsey Worthy
City of San Pablo
One Alvarado Sq.
San Pablo
CA 94806

Phone: 510-215-3039
Fax: 510-235-9417
Email: [email protected]

Posted November 15, 2005

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