– Advocates for transit and livable communities from around the country will come to Salt Lake City, Utah, a community widely lauded for its commitment to public and private partnerships in planning and transportation, next week for the 11th Annual Rail~Volution conference. This year's national conference will focus on how to transform the way communities are built, using transportation as a tool to shape the places where people live. This will include an emphasis on the critical importance of creating partnerships to shape more livable communities.
Since 1995, Rail~Volution has been the premier place to talk transit with community activists, technical experts, architects, developers, planners, transit agency representatives and local government leaders. From the national effort to bring the streetcar back to America's cities to lessons learned from Houston's light rail project, the conference will provide media with a wealth of story ideas. Other subjects covered in the conference include how to bring families back to city centers, encouraging healthy living by creating more walkable communities, overcoming parking challenges and designing communities to prevent crime. Last year's conference drew over 1000 participants from 36 states, 209 cities, and five countries.
In all, more than 60 workshops are planned, covering a wide range of topics including smart growth, new urbanism, economic development, public safety, schools, community building, citizen advocacy, streetcars, health and environmental protection. Conference planners have also organized 11 Mobile Workshops to tour and learn from local innovative developments, art and cultural centers, mixed-use centers, thriving livable neighborhoods and on-the-ground examples of private and public partnerships.
The conference also features panels of nationally and internationally known speakers including: Congressman Earl Blumenauer (Portland, Ore.) Hon. Enrique Peñalosa, Former Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia; Bill Millar, President, American Public Transportation Association; and Don Shoup,the country's foremost parking analyst and author of "The High Cost of Free Parking" (Planners 2005). Kevin McCarty, Director of Federal Policy, Surface Transportation Policy Project, will present a new report that analyzes how transportation costs are taking a huge bite out of household budgets; and Joel Hirschorn will present his new book, "Sprawl Kills," discussing how ‘blandburgs' steal your time.
To register or to obtain additional information, including a detailed agenda and full list of participating speakers, visit the Rail~Volution web site at
Related Link: Rail~Voltuion Building Livable Communities with Transit
For more information contact:
Tim Daly
1120 SW 5th Ave Suite 800
OR 97204
Phone: 518-542-6560
Fax: 503-823-7609
Email: [email protected]
Posted September 1, 2005
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