SmartCode Workshop, April 6-9, Atlanta, Georgia

SmartCode Workshop, April 6-9, Atlanta, Georgia


Through multiple interactive sessions featuring presentations and panels, participants will be guided page by page through the SmartCode. Topics include the scales of transect planning, ranges of elements in the T-1 to T-6 zones, public works standards that integrate well-designed places, and the power of Visual Preference Surveys and GIS modeling to influence political persuasion. In depth panel sessions will address economic incentives, administration techniques and legal precedent. Finally, evaluation of actual SmartCode projects and an interractive session with registrants will investigate challenges and solutions to the adoption process. A special tour and lively critique of Atlanta area projects will highlight working SmartCode principles.

Don't miss this opportunity to join fellow planners, architects, developers, elected officials and citizen activists, and learn how to implement practical solutions for quality livability. Online registration and agenda information can be found at:

For additional information please contact [email protected] or call toll free 866-A-NU-Town.

Related Link: PlaceMakers SmartCode Workshop

For more information contact:

Hazel Borys
1253 Washington Ave., Suite 222
Miami Beach
Florida 33139

Phone: 866-A-NU-Town
Email: [email protected]

Posted February 4, 2005

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