City of Loveland US Hwy 287 Corridor Business Development Plan SOQ
City of Loveland, Colorado
City of Loveland Community & Strategic Planning
500 East Third Street, Suite 310 · Loveland, CO 80537 (970) 962-2525 · Fax (970) 962-2945 · TDD (970) 962-2620
To prepare the
Highway 287 Business Development Corridor Plan
ISSUE DATE: May 1, 2013
CLOSING DATE: June 17, 2013
City of Loveland
Community & Strategic Planning
500 East 3rd Street, Suite 310
Loveland, CO 80537 (970) 962‐2745
Proposals are to be received at the Loveland City Clerk’s Office no later than 2:00 p.m. on June 17, 2013 and must include FOUR (4) bound copies AND one (1) compact disc (CD) of the proposal.
- The City Clerk’s Office will receive, date, and time stamp all proposals. No proposals will be considered which have not been received by the deadline set forth above, as determined by the City Clerk. The City is not responsible for delays occasioned by the U.S. Postal Service, the City’s internal mail delivery system, or any other means of delivery employed by the bidder.
- No fax or e‐mail versions will be accepted as substitutes for hard bound copies. Once submitted, the proposals will become the property of the City of Loveland and may be returned to the proposer or kept by the City of Loveland, in the City’s sole discretion.
- The City of Loveland is committed to providing an equal opportunity for citizens and does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, age, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or gender. The city will make reasonable accommodations for citizens in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For more information, please contact the City’s ADA Coordinator at [email protected] or 970‐962‐3319.
- The City of Loveland reserves the right to reject any and all proposals in part or in full for any reason. The City also reserves the right to change, cancel, or re‐issue this Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) at any time. This SOQ does not obligate the City of Loveland to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of a proposal nor does it obligate the City to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services.
- Those interested in submitting a Statement of Qualifications are encouraged to provide contact information to Bethany Clark, City Planner, at [email protected]. Providing contact information will allow the City to provide notification if an addendum to the SOQ is issued or the SOQ is cancelled. Those who choose not to provide contact information are solely responsible for checking BidNet for any issued addenda or a notice of cancellation.
The City of Loveland is seeking a consulting firm or team to develop a Business Development Corridor Plan for the US Highway 287 Corridor and facilitate the public outreach in the development of the Plan. It is envisioned that the Plan will address two sections of US Highway 287; an approximately 4.5 mile section north of Downtown Loveland, and 3 mile section south of Downtown Loveland. The objective of the SOQ is to solicit proposals from qualified vendors with experience in large corridor planning projects, develop a short‐list of qualified candidates, and invite candidates to submit bids for the Plan.
In January of 2012, City Council held their annual Council Advance to set the priorities for the year. One of the goals the Council set as a priority was to “Develop a Highway 287 Business Development Plan” to guide its development and improve the quality of development along the corridor. This goal was carried through as a priority in the 2013 annual Council Advance. As one of the main corridors into Loveland’s downtown, the Highway 287 corridor has great opportunities for redevelopment and in becoming a gateway to Downtown Loveland.
The City of Loveland wishes to develop a Highway 287 Business Development Corridor Plan that will serve as a guide for residents, property owners, developers, City staff, and elected officials in making good land use, design, and development decisions in the corridor study area. The primary goals of the Plan are to:
- Create a positive image along the corridor through well designed, high‐quality development
- Generate private investment in the 287 corridor
- Facilitate the redevelopment of deteriorated areas
- Increase jobs and generate new tax revenue through new development
- Create a gateway corridor to downtown Loveland
- Improve public infrastructure along the corridor
In January 2013, at the Loveland City Council annual Goal‐Setting Session, the development of a Highway 287 Business Development Corridor Plan was identified as a priority work item for 2013. As a result of this SOQ process, the City of Loveland Community and Strategic Planning Department will submit a supplementary budget request to City Council for funding consideration in July 2013. If approved, the funds will be available after July 16, 2013. The City will not conduct interviews until the funding is in place.
The following are the proposed steps in our process, which may be modified as required:
May 1, 2013– Release of this SOQ.
June 17, 2013– Responses to SOQ are due.
June 17‐28, 2013– City evaluates proposals based on Criteria in Section VI and selects firms for interviews.
July 1, 2013– City notifies selected firms.
July 2, 2013– City submits a supplementary budget request to Loveland City Council.
July 8, 2013– City tentatively schedules interviews with selected firms, pending final approval of funding by
City Council
July 16, 2013– Final approval of supplementary budget request by City Council.
July 22‐August 2, 2013– City interviews selected firms.
August 5, 2013– City selects top 3 or 4 firms to submit proposals and issues a Request for
Proposals to selected firms.
September 2013– Proposals due.
October 2013– City selects firm and enters into a Services Contract.
Submittals should be in 8‐1/2” x 11” format and shall include as a minimum the following information:
- Transmittal letter:highlight project understanding and team composition and identify the project manager with contact information (phone and e‐mail address);
- Team composition:identification of all persons that will be actively engaged in this project with an organizational chart;
- Team’s qualifications:summarize the skills, backgrounds, relevant experience and qualifications which correlate directly to the type of services being sought by the COL. Resumes should not substitute for a written outline of relevant experience but may be included in an appendix, if desired;
- Proposed project approach:a description of the project approach and manner in which the respondent will fulfill the requirements of the Scope of Work as currently drafted in Section VIII. Include a description of Highway 287 to demonstrate your understanding of the corridor.
- Work samples:Include a selection of corridor plans which members of the project team have contributed to and that demonstrates the firm’s capability to prepare a corridor plan.
- Project schedule for completing the work, including milestones and proposed products/deliverability in sufficient detail to allow an assessment of the firm’s ability to provide the resources necessary to meet the schedule.
- Estimated Professional Fee and Preliminary Budget for the Highway 287 Business Development Corridor Plan. The City will use the budget estimates from the top selected firms as a basis for a funding request from the Loveland City Council.
- References:Include references that are likely to be readily available for phone contact and who can attest to the ability of your team to implement this project. Include at least two public sector references.
The submittals will be evaluated by a selection panel based on the written proposal and feedback from the professional references. Criteria to be used for evaluation include:
1. Experience by the project manager and team with corridor plans
2. Project understanding
3. Quality and clarity of the written submittal
4. Project schedule as proposed by the consultant
5. Feedback from professional references
6. Completeness
7. Approach
o Technical
o Innovative
The top qualified teams will be chosen for an interview with the selection panel. Upon approval of funding for a consultant by the Loveland City Council, the panel will invite the top three or four teams to submit bids for the Highway 287 Business Development Corridor Plan.
The Highway 287 Business Development Corridor Plan will address two segments of US Highway 287. The North Segment, an approximately 4.5 mile section, extends from West 71st Street/E County Road 30 on the north to East 9th Street to the south. The South Segment is approximately 3 miles and extends from 5th Street SE on the north to Highway 60 on the south. (See Study Area Map on following page)
US Highway 287 is a predominately four lane major arterial that runs through the center of Loveland. Just south of East 20th Street, the Corridor transitions into a three lane, one‐way couplet with a single block separating the two travel directions. The two corridors again merge into a single four lane corridor at 8th Street SE and continues in this configuration to Highway 60. Land uses along the corridor are varied but consist mainly of commercial, auto‐oriented development. At the northern end of the South Segment, strip commercial is the predominate use. An enclave of industrial development is located on the east side of the corridor across from the City’s major softball complex and includes a number of small warehouse and light industrial facilities. Much of this area developed under the County jurisdiction with few development standards. More recent commercial development in this area has developed under City jurisdiction with better site development standards. This corridor will serve as an important future growth area.
South of US Highway 402, land uses alternate between large agricultural parcels and commercial and residential development. Commercial uses include RV sales and storage facility, landscape nursery, and self‐storage facility. Residential developments include the Derby Hill neighborhood, a large subdivision on the west side of the corridor, and several larger lot subdivisions under County jurisdiction.
Portions of the North Segment have similar land use patterns; the northernmost portion contains an industrial park with light manufacturing and office uses, and to the south a large Super Wal‐Mart Center. Several large undeveloped parcels adjacent to the corridor have remained in the County. The remainder of this segment is dominated mainly by strip commercial or large shopping center developments.
The following Draft Scope of Work has been developed by the City as a means to identify major work tasks and deliverables expected of the Consultant. Those firms that are invited to respond to an RFP will be asked to develop a technical scope of work at that time.
1. Project Set Up and Initiation
Task 1.1 – Project Kick‐Off with Study Team
Set up a kick‐off meeting and create a Study Team with City staff members from Economic Development, Public Works, Water and Power, and other departments that will play a role in developing the Plan. The Study Team will provide input on the Business Development Corridor Plan and provide information to the Consultant as necessary.
Task 1.2 –Citizen Advisory Committee
Consultant will set up an Advisory Committee made up of appointed citizens representing the broad range of interests involved along the Highway 287 Corridor. Members should include neighborhood representatives, homeowners and renters, business owners, and land owners. Consultant should propose a method of visioning and forms of stakeholder input.
Task 1.3 – Define Project Boundary
Consultant will further define the two sections of the Highway 287 Business Development Corridor boundary, both north and south, and east and west to determine the corridor plan area and the implications that a corridor plan would have on the affected area. The Plan will not address the section of US Highway 287 through Downtown Loveland. Special thought must be given to edge conditions and adjacent land uses.
- Define corridor limits based on land use functionality and physical environmental constraints
- Define corridor widths based on land use considerations
- Create corridor map
Task 1.3 – Create a Plan for Public Involvement
Consultant will develop a plan for public outreach and involvement. Outreach actions might include: open houses, visioning charrettes, surveys, dedicated page on City website, etc.
Task 1.4 – Develop Project Schedule
Consultant will develop a schedule for the Highway 287 Business Development Corridor Plan outlining major milestones and expected timelines for completion.
Task 1 Deliverables:
- Corridor boundary map
- Project schedule and work plan with critical success factors
- Public outreach/communication plan
2. Analysis of Corridor Conditions
In order to fully understand the opportunities and constraints of the Highway 287 corridor, a profile of the area in terms of land use, demographics, economic activity, etc. needs to be created. The Consultant will inventory and analyze the existing conditions along the Corridor in terms of infrastructure and utilities, land use, urban design, transportation, and natural, cultural and historic resources. The Consultant will also create a demographic profile and market analysis to understand the Corridor’s strengths and weaknesses in attracting new businesses.
Task 2.1 – Existing Conditions Analysis
Document existing land uses and buildings, review future land use plans for the compatibility of existing uses, examine environmental, cultural, or historic constraints for development. Inventory and assess the location and quality of current and planned infrastructure and utilities. The existing conditions analysis may include maps or diagrams of the following:
- Existing land use and zoning (with easements, setbacks, ROWs)
- Planning boundaries (i.e. GMA, City Limits)
- Building vacancy
- Development potential based on lot size and zoning
- Parks and open space
- Cultural and historic resources
- Approved/proposed projects
- Utilities and infrastructure – access to and future possibilities
- Environmental resources
- Amenities
- Transportation facilities, circulation and access (sidewalks, street widths, parking areas, bike lanes, etc.)
Task 2.2 – Demographic Analysis
Research and analyze relevant demographic data such as population and household characteristics.
Task 2.3 – Market Research and Analysis
Perform a market study and economic analysis of the corridor to examine existing market conditions and identify opportunities for future development. The market research will be used to plan development/redevelopment strategies that focus on opportunities for specific business sectors.
Task 2 Deliverables:
- Data collection and analysis
- Mapping
- Report summarizing the market study
- Summary and maps of existing conditions
3. Corridor Vision
Task 3.1 – Visioning Charrettes
Hold a series of charrettes with public stakeholders, the Consultant, and the steering committee to develop a vision for the corridor. The results of the charrettes should include;
- Identifying major issues
- Developing a vision statement and goals for the Business Development Corridor Plan
- Begin defining objectives for development along the corridor
Task 3.2 – Development/Re‐Development Suitability Analysis
Identify and evaluate areas with underutilized land uses, vacant land, or other similar patterns for their development/re‐development potential. These areas should be evaluated for a range of potential uses based on the characteristics of the site and market factors.
Task 3.3 – Strategy Development
Define a set of business development strategies to attract businesses to the Highway 287 corridor. Using the market analysis and existing conditions analysis, study the existing businesses, assess the corridor’s strengths and attraction advantages, and develop strategies to enhance the corridor’s ability to attract/accommodate and retain new businesses. The result will be a set of Business Development Corridor strategy alternatives.
Task 3.4 – Design Standards
Develop a set of design standards for architecture, set‐backs, signage, streetscape improvements, etc. to ensure consistency and quality in the design and aesthetics of the Corridor.
Task 3.4 – Charrette/Open House
The development strategy alternatives and design standard concepts should be presented at a public charrette or open house for review and input.
Task 3 Deliverables:
- Draft vision statement, goals
- Meeting materials
- Written summary describing development strategies
- Draft design standards
- Draft property redevelopment assistance options
- Draft Implementation Plan
4. Business Development Corridor Plan
Task 4.1 – Prepare Draft Plan
Based on the work completed in tasks 1‐3 and the public input process, develop a draft Highway 287 Business Development Corridor Plan that consists of development strategies, land use and transportation plans, and design standards.
Task 4.2 – Present Draft Plan
The draft Highway 287 Business Development Corridor Plan should be presented at a public open house for public review and input.
Task 4.3 – Prepare Final Corridor Plan
The Consultant will consider the input from the public meetings to revise the draft plan into a final plan.
Task 4 Deliverables:
- Draft Business Development Corridor Plan
- Final Business Development Corridor Plan
At the time of a bid award, the selected team will be expected to sign the City’s form Services Contract, a copy of which is attached. Additionally, the firm which is awarded the bid must comply with the City’s insurance requirements as outlined in Section 6 of the Services Contract and shall provide the City with a Certificate of Insurance upon execution of the Contract.
Posted May 3, 2013
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