IEDC to hold Webinar on Federal and State Resources to Grow Local Manufacturing

IEDC to hold Webinar on Federal and State Resources to Grow Local Manufacturing

International Economic Development Council

Manufacturing Partners: Federal and State Resources to Grow Local Manufacturing

When: Wednesday, June 27
Time: 2:30 – 4:00 pm EST
Cost: $85 for IEDC members, $125 for Non-members

Questions? Please contact [email protected]

Local manufacturing businesses aren't born in a vacuum. A fully developed manufacturing firm is often the result of a complex process - from concept, to funding and financing, to market development, to marketing - that involves a range of partners, including federal and state resources and programs. Local economic developers are vital in helping manufacturing firms grow, often by connecting manufacturers to necessary resources for success. Just as manufacturers can't succeed in a void, successful economic developers can't improve manufacturing in their communities without recognizing, learning, and mastering the federal and state partnerships and resources available to them.

Public sector resources and partnerships can offer benefits to local manufacturing firms through assistance with innovation strategies, process improvements, green manufacturing, new customer development, new market expansions, and new product creation. Communities benefit from these state and federal resources and partnerships by learning how to link local, state, and federal resources to address their communities' economic development needs. As US manufacturing communities vie for success against global competition, state and federal resources and partners are critically important to growing local manufacturing and creating local jobs and prosperity.

Join IEDC's June 27 webinar to discover how economic developers can augment their communities' manufacturing efforts. YOU WILL LEARN TO:

• Better understand the many needs of manufacturers, and the factors and resources that contribute to their success.
• Establish connections with important state and federal organizations that can help grow your community's local manufacturing base.
• Identify the specific state and federal manufacturing resources and partnerships that match your community manufacturers' unique needs.


Roger D. Kilmer
Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
US Department of Commerce
Gaithersburg, MD

John Provo, PhD
Director-Office of Economic Development
Virginia Tech University
Blacksburg, VA

Posted May 24, 2012

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