Rail~Volution 2012: Call for Speakers - Deadline March 30

Rail~Volution 2012: Call for Speakers - Deadline March 30


Rail~Volution is a national movement: It is a transformation in the way we live, led by people from all perspectives dedicated to creating healthy, economically vibrant, socially equitable and environmentally sustainable communities with transit.

Rail~Volution is an event, a network, and an organization: Since 1995, it has been a driving force in the livability movement. Every year, people come together in a transit-rich community to participate in workshops, charrettes, networking events and toolbox sessions. Last year in Washington, DC, over 1,100 people attended. The event invigorates the network of committed individuals who continue to strategize and communicate year-round.

Rail~Volution 2012 is in Los Angeles, California: The Los Angeles metropolitan area provides a showcase of transportation and livability choices and challenges applicable to communities across the nation, including fully integrated bus and core rail systems, communities rekindled by transit-oriented design, and a successful county funding measure, allowing Metro to nearly double its existing rail and rapid transit system. The region's diversity, both in terms of demographics and types of communities being transformed, provides a glimpse into the future for other US regions and cities of all sizes. This is a critical time, and Rail~Volution 2012 will be a great place to showcase new ideas and promising practices.

Rail~Volution 2012 is seeking speakers: We want the people who will lead the movement -- people who can best share the stories that will educate, provoke and inspire conference attendees through toolbox sessions, panel presentations, and workshops. We are calling on a wide range of speakers with a variety of experiences and backgrounds, whose work magnifies our mission of building livable communities with transit.

If you are one of those people, we want to hear from you!

    Hurry! Entry Deadline - March 30, 2012

Join the Movement! Visit www.railvolution.org today to read the full Call for Speakers description and submit your proposal to speak!

For more information contact:

Marcie Moravec
[email protected]

Posted March 21, 2012

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