Request for Proposals (RFP) Activate Vacant Land for Public Use

Request for Proposals (RFP) Activate Vacant Land for Public Use

Tarrant Regional Water District

The Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD) seeks creative proposals to activate and make income producing vacant parcels of land located within the Trinity Uptown Neighborhood District in Fort Worth, Texas.

The TRWD aims to activate these parcels of land to be consistent with the community's vision for Trinity Uptown which is described in the Form Based Code known as the Trinity Uptown Development Standards and Guidelines adopted by the City of Fort Worth. The code calls for a mixed use, high density, active, urban, live, work, play neighborhood adjacent to the Trinity River. To learn more go to

The site is in proximity to construction of a $909 million dollar flood control project that creates a new riverwalk, Town Lake and the opportunity for 12-miles of waterfront development. While the infrastructure project is still under construction, it is TRWD's goal to have an interim use for the subject property until the market supports a long-term use which conforms to the zoning prescribed by the city. For this reason, any proposal will need to be flexible to allow for movement within the site and for potential downsizing to allow for development absorption and construction of planned infrastructure within the site boundary.

The site is viewed as a place that could attract visitors and generate awareness of the neighborhood district both for the general public and for private development interests.

Applicants can base their financial plan on the assumption of a 10-year lease with options to early terminate all or part of the site with predetermined buy-out clauses to allow for future development within the site boundary.

TRWD will consider either a profit share or flat yearly rate payment structure depending on the details of the proposal.

Proposals shall include a creative business plan for the site that allows the following:

• Use must have a flexible location on the site to allow for development absorption on parts of the site. This could require downsizing or moving facilities.
• Use must have a public entertainment element to activate the site and draw visitors to the Trinity Uptown Neighborhood District.
• Use must bring a positive element which contributes to the character of Trinity Uptown and the vision for the future
• Must design around upcoming infrastructure construction including streets and canals.
• Must accommodate for daytime use of parking lot for Tarrant County Juror parking.
• Must accommodate for daytime use of parking lot for ballgames and special events associated with LaGrave Field.
• Best effort to meet a business opening date of May 1, 2012.

Proposals will be graded on their financial plan, relevant experience, marketing plan, size and capacity of business and ability to meet the criteria listed above.

A pre-proposal meeting and site tour: 1:30 PM on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at the corner of Calhoun and 4th Street in Fort Worth Texas.

Key Dates:
Pre-Proposal Conference & Tour
1:30 PM | January 10, 2012

Deadline for Written Questions
4:00 PM | January 17, 2012

Answers to Questions released
4:00 PM | January 24, 2012

Proposals Due
2:00 PM | January 31, 2012


JD Granger
Director of Trinity River Development
Tarrant Regional Water District
[email protected]

Posted January 3, 2012

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