NAHRO 2011 Call for Proposals
The National NAHRO Conferences provides a unique educational opportunity for housing and community development policy makers and practitioners to network and learn how public, private and nonprofit groups can create affordable housing. In conjunction with the educational offering are committee meetings and pre/post conference seminars.
With the level of educational programming, peer-to-peer learning and orchestrated networking events, National NAHRO conferences have long been considered the most important events of the year among industry leaders. Share your knowledge and help shape the ideas and strategies that will influence industry professionals.
Submissions are now being accepted for concurrent session presentations at the NAHRO 2011 Summer Conference in Louisville, KY on July 28-30 and the 2011 National Conference & Exhibition in St. Louis, MO on October 23-25.
To submit a proposal go to
If you have questions, email us at [email protected]
Posted February 3, 2011
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