Nov 10 LEED for Neighborhood Development Training in Seattle

Nov 10 LEED for Neighborhood Development Training in Seattle

Criterion Planners

To help communities accelerate sustainable development, Criterion Planners will hold a one-day workshop on November 10 at Seattle University for local land-use, transportation, and environmental planners on leveraging the benefits of LEED-ND:

• Learn about the parts of the ND rating
system that interface with local government plans and

• Explore how local governments are using
ND to advance sustainable community

• Learn the steps for leveraging ND
according to local conditions and priorities,
and receive a model ND overlay zone.

Criterion is a U.S. Green Building Council education provider and offers the workshop for cities, counties, and special purpose districts that are pursuing sustainability and climate protection goals. The workshop includes a tour of LEED-ND rating system parts that interface with local plans and standards; case studies of localities in California, Illinois, Oregon, Michigan, and Texas; and a detailed method for local leveraging, including identification of ND-eligible geographic areas, removal of code barriers, provision of ND incentives, and leading by example on public lands. Workshop participants receive the ND Rating System annotated with local government interface points, and a model LEED-ND overlay zone.

The November 10 workshop is being hosted by Sustainable Seattle ( at Seattle University. Registration begins at $100/person through Sustainable Seattle at Attendees earn 5.5 hours of credential maintenance for AICP and LEED-AP. To obtain additional workshop information, please contact Eliot Allen, Criterion Planners, 503-224-8606 Ext 1 or [email protected].

Posted November 1, 2010

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