Are Your Businesses Here to Stay? Attend IEDC’s Business Retention & Expansion Training Course!
International Economic Development Council
Date: March 9-10, 2009
Location: Los Angeles, CA
While attracting a new company to a community gets lots of press attention, an even more important economic development strategy is the retention and expansion of a community's existing businesses. A strong business retention and expansion program ensures that the needs of local businesses are being not only heard, but addressed.
In this course, attendees will learn the "red flags" that may indicate a company is looking to move elsewhere. Attendees will learn how to structure an effective system to respond to business concerns.
- Establishing and organizing a BRE program
- Creating effective models for business visitations and surveys
- Tracking feedback and response
- Fostering and strengthening business alliances
Laith Wardi, CEcD
ExecutivePulse, Inc.
Laith Wardi, CEcD, is president of ExecutivePulse, Inc., an economic development consulting firm specializing in business retention based in Erie, PA. With over 15 years experience in economic development, Laith helped to pioneer the most advanced and comprehensive business retention system in North America that later formed the basis for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's state-wide business retention program.
Del Birch
Vice President
ExecutivePulse, Inc.
Del Birch is vice president of ExecutivePulse, Inc. Del has conducted CEO outreach in several counties in Northwest Pennsylvania and in communities across the United States. He has also developed training programs to enhance the skill levels of outreach personnel and techniques to build and sustain strong local business retention teams.
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Posted February 18, 2009
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