Request for Proposals for Preparation of Comprehensive Plan

Request for Proposals for Preparation of Comprehensive Plan

Village of Hastings-on-Hudson, New York

For full RFP see Village's web site

Village is looking for consultant willing to incorporate new, innovative, best practices and state of the art approaches. The selected consultant must provide outreach to community groups and residents, review existing land use and zoning regulations, evaluate existing identified Village documents and be capable of identifying and conveying key elements that define the character of the Village. Demonstrated use of technology to present data and analysis is important. Consultant will meet with and report to Village's Comprehensive Plan Committee.

Village anticipates work to prepare and adopt will be over one and a half years. Process shall meet requirements of Section 7-722 of New York State Village Law. Phase One: develop and draft Comprehensive Plan, ready for review pursuant to New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). Time frame: January to September, 2009. Phase Two: SEQRA review, presentation to Board of Trustees, revisions, preparation of required zoning updates. Time frame: from completion of Phase One through middle to late 2010.

Posted September 30, 2008

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