Planning Commissioners Journal Fall Issue Now Available
Planning Commissioners Journal
The Fall 2001 issue of the Planning Commissioners Journal includes:
* Zoning & Changing Lifestyles -- Michael Chandler & Greg Dale continue their overview of zoning with a look at the impact that changes in our society are having on local zoning regulation.
* What's So Bad About Zoning? -- PCJ columnist Ed McMahon provides a reality check on four myths about zoning & land use regulation (1. Zoning is un-American; 2. Sparsely populated rural areas don't need to control uses of land;
3. Land use controls will increase taxes and reduce property values; and 4. Planning is a bad idea).
* Developing a Sewer Ordinance: One Town's Experience -- Planner Kate Lampton reports on how one small but growing town put together a sewer allocation ordinance.
* Planning ABC's -- Planning historian Larry Gerckens starts our special Alphabet Book series with a look at: A is for Automobile; B is for Budget; and C is for Comprehensive Plan. With illustrations by Paul Hoffman.
* Planning Boards Survive a Decade of Change -- PCJ columnist Elaine Cogan reflects on ways in which planning has changed over the past ten years.
Related Link: PlannersWeb
For more information contact:
Wayne Senville
Planning Commissioners Journal
P.O. Box 4295
VT 05406
Phone: 802-864-9083
Fax: 802-862-1882
Email: [email protected]
Posted November 5, 2001
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