Evaluation of the Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency Service Coordinator Program
This first study of the Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) program found that ROSS Service Coordinators help residents of public housing and tribal designated housing entities access critical services.
Moving to Work Retrospective: Moving to Work Agencies’ Use of Project-Based Voucher Assistance
This study examines Moving to Work agencies’ use of project-based vouchers to address priority goals, including bringing educational services to families with young children, preserving existing affordable units, and housing families experiencing homelessness.
This study finds that Moving to Work agencies increased the share of new households served, an indicator of performance in relation to the statutory objective of housing choice.
Moving to Work Retrospective: A Picture of Moving to Work Agencies’ Housing Assistance
This study reports the demonstration’s growth between 2003 and 2017, and shows that Moving to Work (MTW) agencies and traditional public housing agencies serve households of similar demographics, but that MTW-assisted households are more likely to be African-American.
Posted July 6, 2021
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