2013-2017 Consolidated Planning/CHAS data now available on HUD User

HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research

Each year, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) receives custom tabulations of American Community Survey (ACS) data from the U.S. Census Bureau. These data, known as the "CHAS" data (Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy), demonstrate the extent of housing problems and housing needs, particularly for low-income households. Local governments use CHAS data to plan how to spend HUD funds, and HUD may also use the data to distribute grant funds. For more background on the CHAS data, including data documentation and a list of updates and corrections to previously released data, click here.

HUD offers a simple web-based table generator, or query tool, that provides some of the most commonly used CHAS figures (click here for the CHAS query tool). The complete set of data files, including archived data from previous years, can be found here.

Click here to learn more and access the 2013-2017 Consolidated Planning/CHAS data.

Posted September 9, 2020

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