steve raney
Contributed 7 posts
Raleigh Developer Thinks PRT is "Fun"
Developer John Kane of Raleigh, North Carolina rode the personal rapid transit (PRT) system at Heathrow, and decided it would be a perfect fit for Raleigh's North Hills area.
PRT (podcars) ready for prime time
San Jose hosts the 4th Podcar Conference, Oct 27-29, part of San Jose's Green Vision.
Personal Rapid Transit Gaining Ground
Derided by some, praised by others, Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) is gaining ground, with new systems scheduled to open in London, Abu Dhabi, and South Korea.
Personal Rapid Transit for Google?
Advanced Transit Systems is pitching the city of Mountain View on using the PRT system developed for Heathrow Airport to connect the downtown train station, NASA Ames and Shoreline businesses like Google.
Personal Rapid Transit for San Jose Airport?
The City of San José, CA is reviewing proposals from 18 companies to create a PRT system connecting the airport to other transportation modes.