Planning on Taking the Fall AICP Exam?
Revised for the 2008 exam, Planetizen's Core Reader and Supplemental Reader are the most comprehensive collections available.
Planetizen's readers compile many of the readings suggested by the APA to help planners prepare for the AICP exam. From APA's list of more than 50 essays, books chapters and articles, the most essential and useful readings have been selected by Jennifer Evans-Cowley, PhD, AICP, instructor of Planetizen's AICP Exam Preparation Course.
The Core Reader contains 16 readings from the APA's reading list -- a compilation available nowhere else. This 569-page reader is available for $195.
The Supplemental Reader contains 10 additional readings chosen by instructor Jennifer Evans-Cowley. This 444-page reader is available for $135.
Both readers can be purchased as a package for $315. Students also enrolling in Planetizen's online AICP Exam Preparation Course qualify for a discounted rate.
Learn more or purchase these readers at
Posted July 21, 2008
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