Call For Papers - Transport Chicago 2007
Transport Chicago
We seek papers dealing with all aspects of transportation, including planning, public transit, freight, air, rail, and bicycle and pedestrian transportation.
Previous year’s topics submitted include:
• Facility Design
• Transportation Funding
• Economic Analysis
• Bicycle and Pedestrian Issues
• Market Research
• Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
• Transit Signal Priority (TSP)
• "Smart" Bus Technology (AVL, APC)
• Community Circulators and Other Non-Traditional Modes
• Transit Oriented Development (TOD) or Sustainable Development
Papers chosen for presentation will be published on CD-ROM for conference attendees in addition to the option of being published on Transport Chicago’s website. Paper presentation will occur in one of two separate forums: oral presentation before an audience or display at a “poster session.” While the committee requests that each author indicate a preference, the committee retains final decision-making authority on forum assignment. Student papers are encouraged and will be eligible for prizes on day of conference.
If interested, please submit an abstract (250-word maximum) for anonymous review by the Steering Committee in the following format by Monday, March 12, 2007:
Page 1: -Paper title
-Name and affiliation of each author
-Postal address, Telephone number, Fax number
-E-mail address of the corresponding author
-Note if the paper should be part of the student paper competition
-Forum preference
Page 2: -Paper title
To ensure anonymous review, please make no identification of author or affiliation on Page 2.
Submit by e-mail (preferred), postal mail or fax to:
Joe Iacobucci
Vice-President, Transport Chicago
P.O. Box 1884
Chicago, IL 60690-1884
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: (312) 681-4182
Fax: (312) 681-4296
You will be notified by Thursday, March 29th, 2007 on the status of your paper.
Related Link: Transport Chicago
For more information contact:
Joe Iacobucci
Transport Chicago
P.O. Box 1884
IL 60690-1884
Phone: (312) 681-4182
Fax: (312) 681-4296
Email: [email protected]
Posted January 16, 2007
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