Special Discount On Urban Design For Safety And Security

Special Discount On Urban Design For Safety And Security

Rutgers University Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy

Bloustein Online Continuing Education for Planners, the leader in online education in urban design, is offering a new class: Urban Design for Safety and Security. If you enroll by Tuesday, May 31, you can get the course for $150. That's $100 off the normal price.

Urban Design for Safety and Security explores urban design approaches to increase security and reduce the potential for crime. Participants will explore concepts and tools such as defensible space and Crime Prevention through Environmental Design. You will learn about ways to improve streetscapes and building designs to make them less attractive to criminals and terrorists while keeping them viable and interesting to residents, shoppers and property owners. The instructor, Leland Edgecombe, President of The Edgecombe Group, is an architect and planner who is widely regarded for his work in urban design for safety and security. The course runs from May 31 to July 8.

This is a good course for community development professionals, urban designers, city planners, economic development professionals, and any other planning practitioner or researcher who is interested in reducing crime and the threat of terrorism.

BOCEP provides high quality, affordable and convenient continuing education. We've served more than 150 professionals like yourself, and about 90% of those surveyed said they would recommend the program to their colleagues in planning. The vast majority of students surveyed said they "learned a great deal" in their courses. The entire course is online and there are no scheduled meetings. You will get the chance to share ideas and knowledge with your colleagues from around the United States. Most BOCEP students have at least five years of experience in planning.

To get the 40% discount, please use Promotion Code U2122 when registering. Visit http://www.policy.rutgers.edu/bocep to learn more.

Related Link: Bloustein Online Continuing Education for Planners

For more information contact:

Leonardo Vazquez
Rutgers University Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
33 Livingston Avenue, #278
New Brunswick
NJ 08901
United States

Phone: 732-932-3822, x711
Fax: 732-932-1107
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.policy.rutgers.edu/bocep

Posted May 25, 2006

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