Transit Oriented Development Conference
Invitation from Stuart Hicks
Planning and Transport Research Centre (PATREC)
Transit Oriented Development combines walkable access to public transport with a vibrant mixture of urban life, including shopping, entertainment, recreation, business and community facilities. Focussing development where public transport is most accessible will create new job and educational opportunities for many people. It will also help to create more vibrant community hubs and a welcome alternative to the ever rising cost of car travel. It's a combination that is already appealing to many Australians, opening opportunities for developers and challenges for planners and governments.
If you're in the urban development industry, in government, consulting or university research, this conference will appeal to you.
Transit Oriented Development Making it happen will explore all aspects of transit oriented development. Two full days of plenary and smaller interactive sessions, plus informative field trips, will provide opportunities to discuss issues and emerging practice in implementing transit oriented development. Issues including urban design, community concerns, transport planning, performance measurement, urban policy and efficient regulatory pathways for developers and governments will be open for discussion.
A strong line-up of Australian and international speakers is being invited to lead conference sessions, and this Call for Papers offers the opportunities for others to contribute experience, research and ideas to making it happen.
Further information is available here:
Stuart Hicks
Chairman, Planning and Transport Research Centre
Related Link:
For more information contact:
Katie Clarke
PO Box 1248
West Perth
WA 6872
Phone: 61 8 9322 6906
Email: [email protected]
Posted February 7, 2005
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