Colorado Center for Healthy Communities release Colorado Index

Colorado Center for Healthy Communities release Colorado Index

Colorado Center for Healthy Communities

The Colorado Center for Healthy Communities announces the completion of the Colorado Index. The Index pieces together a range of over 30 social, economic, and environmental indicators that paint a picture of the quality of life in Colorado.

Colorado is blessed with many assets - from thriving communities to spectacular landscapes. However, at the local, regional, and state level we are also challenged by a number of issues, for instance:

*Colorado has a high cost of living. For households with kids, the annual income needed to meet basic needs ranges from two to almost three times federal poverty levels throughout the state. Households employed in lower-paying occupations are likely to have difficulty meeting basic needs thresholds in any area of the state.

* Developed land increased by 33.5% in the state between 1982-1997 while the population grew only 27%. This means that new development has been using more land per person, an indicator of sprawl.

*We are driving more today than ever before. Daily vehicle miles traveled increased 36% between 1991 and 1998 while population increase only 21% during the same period. This increase has put intense pressure on the state's road infrastructure. For example, in the Denver metro area, increasing congestion has caused rush hour traffic to move 25% slower in 1999 than in 1982.

*Colorado's highly educated workforce is a result of in-migration. The state's high school graduation rates, although higher than the national average, have been generally declining for past twenty years.

*Colorado uses over 75% of its annual precipitation throughout much of the state (and over 100% in some areas). As the state grows and moves toward 100% use there will be more heated battles over this precious resource unless we begin using it more wisely and efficiently.

*The average Coloradoan generates roughly twice as waste as the average American.

The Colorado Index is available for $20.00 (includes postage and handling). Checks can be sent to the Center at P.O. Box 1467, Carbondale CO 81623. Call 970.963.1194 or email [email protected] with any questions. A PDF version of the Colorado Index is available at

Related Link: Colorado Center for Healthy Communities

For more information contact:

Colin Laird
Colorado Center for Healthy Communities
P.O. Box 1467
CO 81623

Phone: 970-963-1194
Email: [email protected]

Posted June 14, 2002

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