WEBINAR TUESDAY: CA High Speed Rail Station Planning
US High Speed Rail Association
Tuesday August 18, 2020
Get up to speed on the California High Speed Rail project and the station planning and development program from California transportation leaders.
Learn the best practices for designing great rail stations and integrating them into walkable cities and towns. See how new high speed rail stations are at the center of revitalizing the state's economy, creating jobs, and building our 21st century sustainable transportation systems.
Hear from Margaret Cederoth, Director of Planning and Sustainability at California High Speed Rail Authority. Margaret is an urban planner with over two decades of experience working in the areas of transportation and sustainability planning, land use, and international planning. She was appointed by Governor Newsom in 2019 to her position at the state rail authority where she oversees station planning.
The state's full high speed rail system buildout has designated 25 high speed rail stations, most of which will be newly built from the ground up, with others being retrofitted and expanded to accommodate high speed trains.
Hear from Jacqui Kitchen, Assistant City Manager at the City of Bakersfield. Bakersfield is one of the first cities to get high speed rail in America, with a new station underway. Hear about the city's role and activities to maximize and leverage the great value of a new high speed rail station coming to town, and planning for transit oriented development.
Hear from Randy Volenec, lead architect of the Transbay Salesforce Transit Center in downtown San Francisco. Randy is Associate Principal at Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, and will discuss Transbay station design, and the process of building a massive new station in the middle of a major downtown.
Get the latest plans, designs, and schedules for station development and expansion. Hear about the unique challenges of high speed rail stations, and how the Authority is coordinating with local planning officials to leverage station value creation to encourage the development of walkable, affordable communities around the stations.
Learn about station design, station location rationale, and implementing changes to zoning, parking, and travel patterns around the stations. Learn about leveraging stations as community revitalization tools, economic development, and for the creation of affordable, equitable communities.
For more information: http://ushsr.com/webinarcahsrstations.html
Posted August 12, 2020
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EMC Planning Group, Inc.
City of Bakersfield
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